Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Resources for Learning French

I know a couple of you are interested in improving your French, so I thought you might find the following resources useful: - This web site has tons of resources for Anglophones trying to learn French including listening exercises, word of the day, verb conjugation, pronunciation tips, etc. You can also sign up to receive emails with French lessons, etc - click on the stay up to date link to signup for these newsletters.

Radio French International includes audio of French news in "facile" (easy) French. You can both listen and read the broadcasts.

French in Action is a series of videos that teach French through Pierre Capretz's immersion method. If you are in the U.S. or Canada, you can access them for free online. Unfortunately, I can't access them when I am here. I haven't gone through all of them, but I think they're highly regarded. My French speaking group in Durham thought they were worthwhile.

Rosetta Stone is software that I purchased quite a long time ago. It has many components for learning vocabulary, reading writing, etc. , but my favorite one involves repeating what a native speaker says. The software records and then plays back what you said and rates the quality of your pronunciation. I find that I will repeat a phrase 15 times if necessary to try to improve my rating. It offers far more pronunciation practice than you will ever get in a classroom and allows you to experiment with French sounds.


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